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Rising Sun Lodge

Welcome to

No. 15  •  F. & A.M.  •  18th Masonic District  •  Haddonfield, New Jersey  •  U.S.A

Haddonfield Masonic Temple

Welcome to our lodge!

Rising Sun Lodge No.15, F. & A.M., is a Masonic Lodge in the 18th Masonic District of New Jersey chartered by and under the authority of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. Rising Sun was chartered in April 2010 via the consolidation of Haddonfield-Cherry Hill Lodge No. 15, Mizpah-Haddon Heights Lodge No. 191, and Henry S. Haines Lodge No. 253 into a single Masonic lodge, and is the successor to those and other lodges dating back to the early 1800s. We gather at Haddonfield Masonic Temple, in historic Haddonfield, New Jersey, where our brethren and forbears have practiced Freemasonry for over 100 years! The building is an architectural marvel, filled with rich and interesting history, and is a landmark in Haddonfield’s downtown historic district.


We hope this website will provide inquiring minds with more information on Freemasonry and with guidance on how to go about joining us in the world’s oldest and noblest fraternal organization if that is your interest. For both local Brethren, and Traveling Brothers who may wish to visit, all the latest updates on our activities are here for you to explore, as well as contact information for reaching out to us. Our hope is to eventually make this site a living historical record of our lodge, past, present, and future, for all interested visitors to experience.


The Freemasons are open and welcoming to all good men. If you are interested in joining us in Rising Sun Lodge and in the wider world of Freemasonry, please click the button below to receive more information. 


To all our visitors, please consider donating to our various charitable endeavors – or to our building preservation fund, in order to keep our landmark Temple a classic fixture in Haddonfield.

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